Essay Writing Guides Tue, 24 Oct 2023 19:16:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Writing Explanatory Essay: Guide to Presenting Thoughts Like a Pro Fri, 13 Jan 2023 11:39:23 +0000 Throughout our college and high school education, you may be asked to write an explanatory essay. Unfortunately, any student writing the paper for the first time may find it challenging to write their essay as they are unfamiliar with the structure and tone of explanatory essays. 

This article will highlight the steps for explanatory writing and offer some explanatory essay ideas to guide you in topic selection. 

Explanatory essay definition 

An explanatory essay is a paper presenting a point of view on an event, topic, or phenomenon. The arguments in your paper should be based on valid facts and offer unbiased opinions as opposed to persuasive essays where your main aim is to convince the reader to adopt your stance toward a topic. 

How to write an explanatory essay 

Like all academic papers, your approach to an explanatory essay can greatly dictate your experience and results with your paper. some of the steps for writing an explanatory essay include:

  1. Selecting a topic

Often, your teacher may give you a few options to choose from or a wide topic, leaving it up to you to develop your topic into a feasible idea. When doing so, make sure to choose a topic that is unbiased and has enough sources to back up the statements in your thesis. 

To choose a topic that most interests you, consider topic lists and hot themes as inspiration. 

  1. Seek relevant sources

Once you’ve chosen your topic, look for reliable references to back up your claims. These sources don’t have to directly relate to your subject; rather, they should support the information you plan to emphasize in your paper. 

You can utilize Wikipedia, current publications, and citations as aids to find sources pertinent to your issue. 

  1. Prepare an outline

Outline your arguments before writing your paper to ensure that the statements in your thesis flow cohesively. An outline is a useful tool to keep your arguments on track and to evaluate the finished work in comparison to the reverse outline. 

  1. Writing and editing

Finally, write your paper and edit it to ensure that it’s in line with your tutor’s requirements. You could also engage your peers to catch any errors that could have easily missed your radar. 

How to start an explanatory essay 

The start of your explanatory essay dictates how well your paper is received by your audience. A boring start may put your reader off, resulting in less engagement and a negative attitude when reading through other parts of your essay. 

Ideally, come up with an amazing explanatory essay introduction to grab your reader’s attention and also to smoothly transition into your arguments. Some of the key approaches for an interesting introduction include:

  • Starting with a rhetorical question or a series of questions that highlight the relevance of your topic
  • Highlighting an important fact/statistic which shows the extent of a given problem
  • Sharing a story that highlights the severity of a situation

Explanatory essay outline


  • Hook
  • Background
  • Thesis statement

Body paragraph 1:

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence
  • Elaboration 
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body paragraph 2:

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence
  • Elaboration 
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body paragraph 3:

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting evidence
  • Elaboration 
  • Transition to the next paragraph


  • Summary of key points
  • Thesis restatement

Explanatory essay topics 

  1. How should I manage my finances? 
  2. What are the top three advantages of regular exercise? 
  3. Are you in charge of your life? 
  4. What experiences from my past gave me a sense of life?
  5. The distinction between existence and life.
  6. What impact did ancient Greece have on western culture? 
  7. What modifications were made to human rights laws following World War II? 
  8. What distinguishes an asteroid from a meteor? 
  9. What distinguishes a monologue from a dialogue? 
  10. Which new technology has advantages and disadvantages? 
  11. What impact has social media had on neighborhood news outlets? 
  12. What are the benefits of volunteering in your community?

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How to Write an Opinion Essay: Ideas and Outline Guide Fri, 13 Jan 2023 11:38:54 +0000 Perhaps the most adaptable assignments for college and high school students are opinion essays. Unlike other forms of essays, opinion essays let you express your viewpoint on a subject and back it up with evidence from reliable sources. 

Unfortunately, your first attempt at producing an opinion essay can come with some difficulties. The recommendations in this article will help you get beyond the usual obstacles students face when writing an opinion essay. 

To assist you in choosing and condensing your issue to a workable thought, we’ll also highlight a few opinion essay ideas.

How to write an opinion essay 

The method you use to write your paper will have the biggest impact on your writing experience. Rushing in without conducting adequate research could put you in a lot of trouble during the writing process and reduce the strength of your arguments. 

Take a disciplined strategy for writing your essay and do comprehensive research to find the key supporting data for your assertions and the opposing arguments you should address in your article. 

Some of the steps in writing an opinion essay are as follows: 

  1. Select a topic

If you are given a choice of several topics, concentrate on the one that interests you the most. On the other hand, if you are required to choose your subject, make a list of all the topics you are interested in and search topic boards for inspiration. 

  1. Formulate your opinion

After choosing your subject, formulate a position that your paper will support. For example, if the topic of your essay is the use of technology in education, you might argue that this use of technology is not very advantageous. 

Your position should act as your thesis and aid in the planning of your arguments. 

  1. Search for evidence

Once you’ve decided on a position, look for sources that are relevant to it. Avoid concentrating simply on the sources that lend support to your thesis because you must also examine any arguments against it. 

When conducting your research, write down the key pieces of information so you can use them in your outline later. 

  1. Come up with the conclusion

Finally, check the key arguments in your paper and highlight the key takeaway from your paper. 

  1. Draft your essay

Create an outline of your arguments and supporting data after doing your study. Writing your paper will be simple with no need to stray from your essential points thanks to the plan. 

Consider spending some time proofreading your paper once you’ve finished writing it as well. By doing this, you can style your work by the guidelines supplied and earn top marks for your efforts.

How to write an opinion paragraph 

Your paragraphs’ organization is essential to ensure the caliber and coherence of your ideas. Structure your opinion paragraph so that the first sentence contains your opinion and the second sentence has the supporting details. 

Next, expand on your viewpoint in the following two to three lines to help the readers understand what you are trying to say. For a seamless transition from one opinion to the next, state your position once more and connect it to your subsequent suggestion. 

Opinion essay outline


  • Hook
  • Background
  • Thesis statement

Body paragraph 1:

  • Opinion 
  • Supporting evidence
  • Elaboration 
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body paragraph 2:

  • Opinion 
  • Supporting evidence
  • Elaboration 
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body paragraph 3:

  • Opinion 
  • Supporting evidence
  • Elaboration 
  • Transition to the next paragraph


  • Summary of key points
  • Thesis restatement

Ways to start an opinion essay

Setting the groundwork for your paper’s many points requires a strong opening for opinion essays. This part should draw the reader’s attention to your points and pique their interest in a hot-button issue. 

Here are some opinion essay hooks you ought to consider: 

  • Rhetorical questions 

These are open-ended inquiries designed to get readers to reflect on the important topics in your essay. The foundation for various statements can be laid by a series of questions that highlight the important aspects of your debate. 

  • Facts and statistics

Facts are an excellent technique to demonstrate the seriousness of a subject you wish to analyze in your essay. Keep in mind to cite pertinent sources while using facts. 

  • Narration 

You might also take into account telling a story to establish your point of view on the subject and to create a situation that exposes the flaws in various opposing arguments. 

Good opinion essay topics

  1. Should minors be allowed to vote? 
  2. Methods for preventing corruption 
  3. Private prisons: Are they moral? 
  4. Inequitable treatment of women in Roman law 
  5. The progression of propaganda in US media 
  6. Benefits of history education 
  7. Should potentially harmful medical data be made public? 
  8. Addiction develops as a result of smartphone applications. 
  9. The impact of smartphones on young people
  10. Should piracy carry harsher penalties?

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Pro Tips on How to Write an Analytical Essay Outline Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:20:19 +0000 An analytical essay is a required component of many high school and college projects. Analytical essays not only test your capacity for critical thought but also let you convey your ideas about a situation with the appropriate evidence. 

Unfortunately, students frequently find it extremely difficult to write analytical essays. Students have trouble determining where to start their essays in addition to being unfamiliar with the analytical essay format. 

Read on for the steps for writing an analytical essay and an analytical essay outline example to guide your writing efforts. We will also share some analytical essay ideas to inspire your topic selection and help you narrow your focus to a manageable idea. 

Analytical essay definition

An analytical research paper is an essay in which you share your thoughts on a work of literature, a scientific investigation, or a historical event. Analytical essays, like other academic essays, address a claim about an event and provide pertinent evidence to support the argument. 

How to write an analytical essay

Your method of writing an analytical essay will have a big impact on how you feel about the process. An analytical essay might be challenging and cause numerous difficulties in the later stages of writing if it is poorly tackled. 

Your writing procedure should ideally be: 

  1. Choosing a point of view

First, review the assignment prompt and decide what position you will take on the offered topic. If you are given several options, choose the one that piques your curiosity the most because it will provide you with the urge to undertake thorough research. 

When you’ve decided on a topic, you may start by brainstorming ideas to see how familiar you are with it. Also, keep an eye out for the breadth of your topic, which should be narrowed down to a workable proposal given the time and resources at our disposal. 

  1. Select a thesis

The thesis is often considered the backbone of your thesis as it states your intentions and gives the reader the focus of your arguments. Therefore, you should have your thesis in mind as you start on your essay and tackle it within the introduction of your paper.

This statement should be minimized to one sentence and gives a bearing to all the arguments within your paper. When considering your thesis statement, research various angles from which your essay can be addressed and settle for the argument that best encapsulates your arguments. 

  1. Perform secondary analysis 

After deciding on your thesis, thoroughly research the subject to identify the sources that back up your position. Additionally, keep track of any sources that disagree with your position because they will be very useful to your analysis. 

By refuting counterarguments, you can demonstrate their flaws and raise the overall strength of your argument. We advise you to start by coming up with potential topics for your argument before addressing your research. 

Research these concepts further, then eliminate any arguments that only hint at your thesis. 

  1. Outline your argument

Next, conduct further research and formulate your analytical essay outline. This outline allows you to gauge the completeness of your research and to organize your ideas for optimal flow. 

When planning for your paper, back each claim with the relevant evidence and make room for the counterarguments within your topic. Your outline will help keep your focus on the key arguments, helping keep you on track with your chain of thought. 

  1. Write your paper

Finally, write your paper and edit it to ensure that it’s in line with various guidelines provided by your tutor. 

Analytical essay outline template


  • Hook
  • Background
  • Thesis statement

Body paragraph 1:

  • Topic sentence 
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body paragraph 2:

  • Topic sentence 
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the next paragraph

Body paragraph 3:

  • Topic sentence 
  • Supporting evidence
  • Transition to the next paragraph


  • Summary of key points
  • Thesis restatement

Analytical essay topics

  1. Why do humans experience phobias and fears? 
  2. Why are seniors happier when they have emotional support animals? 
  3. How do excessive constraints cause adolescent rebellion? 
  4. What causes the shift in gender roles? 
  5. What medical benefits does music possess? 
  6. What benefits do school uniforms offer? 
  7. Why is it so important that a college education is free? 
  8. Why does the plot of every horror film look the same? 
  9. What types of addiction are there? 
  10. An examination of Ophelia’s passing in Hamlet 
  11. Why is it difficult to stop smoking? 
  12. Why are certain communities okay with mercy killing? 
  13. How are money and education related? 
  14. Why are class distracters brighter than their peers?

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How to Make Essays Longer: Interesting Ideas and Tricks Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:18:17 +0000 The most frustrating experience you’ll have in school is when you don’t have enough words to finish the assignment. You might feel that you’ve covered the subject entirely in some cases, which could leave you unsure of how to extend the essay length. 

Unfortunately, many tricks to make your essay longer entail including pointless details or changing the font size and spacing. These techniques may lengthen your essay visually, but they violate your paper’s formatting standards, thus, compromising your performance. 

Read on to discover the ways to make an essay longer without losing your marks.

How to make essays longer

  1. Elaborate ideas further

To stay within the allotted word count, we frequently tend to underexplain concepts. Offering further clarification for your arguments, therefore, ranks top among the methods on how to lengthen an essay. 

To do this, review how each thought in your work has been developed, and provide examples where you think an idea might be confusing. As a way to increase word count without adding unnecessary words to your writing, you could also include fresh evidence to back up your statements. 

You should preferably get advice from your peers since they are not as invested in the essay and can more objectively assess your arguments.

  1. Including quotations in your work 

If you condensed a quote in a portion of your work, think about expanding the phrase to more fully express the point you were trying to make. By doing so, you can increase the strength of your argument and the number of words in your essay without using filler words. 

Keep in mind that block quotes longer than four lines are edited as separate paragraphs and are surrounded by quotation marks. Also, be careful to provide the appropriate in-text citations to fend off plagiarism accusations. 

  1. Introduce new arguments

Another method I use to lengthen my essay is adding new thoughts that are relevant to the topic. for this, I recommend that you develop a reverse outline when rereading your paper. 

The counterargument will help you identify the paragraphs containing two or more ideas so that you split and develop each idea in an individual paragraph. Also, consider how new arguments can be introduced into your work and address counterarguments to each claim made within your paper. 

  1. Replace contractions with full words

In addition to being avoided in academic writing, terms like don’t and can’t reduce your total word count. By breaking up these contractions into separate words, you can increase your word count while avoiding the penalties associated with employing contractions.

  1. Spell out numbers

Spelling out numbers is a common approach how to make an essay look longer. In addition to following the formal guidelines for academic writing, writing numbers in words increase your word count without confusing the reader. 

  1. Transitional phrase

Transitional phrases can assist you to add some words to the final word count. Transitional words don’t just make your essay longer; they also guide the reader through it and make it simpler for them to understand your ideas.

  1. Seek help from an expert

If you have run out of things to say to make your essay longer, consider seeking guidance from an expert. Experts can assist you to identify weak points in your work and offer fresh ideas to develop your argument because of their experience. 

You may avoid typical errors in your work with the help of an expert, ensuring that you receive the highest possible grade for your writing. 

What not to do when lengthening your essay

A basic search for “tricks to make your essay longer” turns up deceptive techniques to pretend to have more pages. But in light of your tutor’s expertise, these suggestions can backfire and lower your overall grade. 

As you compose your essay, you should avoid doing the following things: 

  1. Increasing the text size and spacing from the acceptable levels 
  2. Including extraneous details unrelated to the subject.
  3. Squeezing the margins of the paper to make the words fit onto more pages than they might have been in the conventional format.
  4. Increase the size of the text of your paper’s header, footer, and other identifying elements.

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